Available courses

Using TrackMate for analysis of time-lapse microscopy movies.

This course is aimed at beginners in bioimage analysis, that wants to learn how to analyse time-lapse movies. Such movies can follow the movement of cells, in 2D or 3D over time, or the motility of organelles and large objects. They offer unique insight into the dynamics of biology objects, on the evolution of their morphology and of molecular processes, imaged via transmission light or fluorescence microscopy. 

This half a day course includes a brief theoretical introduction about tracking algorithms, and is followed by a hands-on tutorial. For the tutorial we will use TrackMate (https://imagej.net/plugins/trackmate/), which is a somewhat popular Fiji plugin for tracking, developed in the Image Analysis Hub.

What do you need to attend:

For more information contact Jean-Yves.

Session in French – Confidence intervals and Hypothesis testing: a little bit of theory and practice with R

6/11/2023 – Full day

8/11/2023 – Afternoon

9/11/2023 – Afternoon

The basics of linear models with examples in R

An introduction to multivariate statistical methods with examples in R

Session in French – Confidence intervals and Hypothesis testing: a little bit of theory and practice with R

6/11/2023 – Full day

8/11/2023 – Afternoon

9/11/2023 – Afternoon

The basics of linear models with examples in R

An introduction to multivariate statistical methods with examples in R


Be able to analyze ChIP-seq data from sequencing reads to functional interpretation

Tutorial on how to use QuPath for large fixed images analysis and in particular histopathological images.

Cours d'Introduction à la programmation en R

Cours d'Introduction à la programmation en R

Formation nationale centre antirabique